① 帮我找一篇雅思作文关于用电脑(网络)的好处与坏处

Computers are now essential in many areas of life – modern banking, retail and information exchange among others. However, this is not true for ecation. At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable. - Introction shows main idea
There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language leaning, any area which requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced. - Why computers do well, with examples
However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakes, and then re-present important concepts in a different way so the student will understand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error, it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong. Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with successfully. - What computers cannot be, with an example
Thus, while computers may be useful as a tool for practicing simple skills, they are not an essential feature of modern ecation, because they cannot monitor a student’s grasp of concepts, nor evaluate a student’s reasoning. Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain indispensable. -
Conclusion re-states main ideas
Remember: this sample answer is one of several satisfactory ways to answer the question. Other essays which respond to the writing task would also be acceptable.,X!` k~sw5FSource: Prepare for IELTS, by Vanessa Todd & Penny Cameron, 1996, UTS, Australia.


② 雅思写作10.08大作文机经:图书馆会被网络取代吗























③ 雅思大作文范文:互联网是否能代替出国游




那么什么是introction呢,之前看书说是把题目用替换词带入照抄,后来发现这是傻瓜式写法,对于要求写作7分以上的同学并不适用。真正的introction是“present your viewpoint”那么怎样来present呢?继续。

第一步:lead-in background information即导入背景信息。
Some people think visitors to other countries should imitate local custom and behaviors. Some people degree. They think the host country should welcome culture different. Discuss the two views,and give your own opinion..
这个论文题目里, tourism 就是一个背景信息,所以我们introction里第一句就该来介绍或者叫导入背景信息,即tourism的信息。例如: Tourism has became an indispensable part in our modern world.或者Tourism is graally considered to be a hot topic

第二步:narrow down information即从大背景信息里提出你要去论证的方面。还是上面给出的题目,你要narrow down出来的就是:“people show more concern to their two views. Some of them think visitors to others nations should imitate local custom and behaviors,but others argue that the host nation should welcome various cultures”

第三步:your viewpoint即给出你自己的立场。例如上题你就可以说:“As far as I am concerned,I side with the former”

【Some people think visitors to other countries should imitate local custom and behaviors. Some people degree. They think the host country should welcome culture different. Discuss the two views,and give your own opinion.】
“Tourism is graally considered to be a hot topic. People show more concern to their two views. Some of them think visitors to others nations should imitate local custom and behaviors,but others argue that the host nation should welcome various cultures. As far as I am concerned,I side with the latter.”

这里要注意,第一步和第二步都是general statement,都是题目已经给你的,只需要你用学术性的文字合理输入就好了,但是第三步是thesis statement,这才是最重要的,是你对这篇论文的观点,也是你接下来要引出Body的关键句,承前启后。。恩。。就这么理解吧。

1. summary
2. idea

Summary就是对你body两部分的一个总结。Idea就是你自己的观点,就是retell your viewpoint如果还是拿上面那个题目来说的,假如你是正方面论证的,那么可以这么写:
“From what has been discussed above,we may safely draw the conclusion that the host country should welcome culture different. Though some people think that visitors to others nations should imitate local custom and behaviors,I still would like to support the former.”


Understand the way to write
Appreciate the language
Remember the language
Reflect/Use the language

④ 雅思写作大作文高分范文:网购取代逛商场是好事吗

Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is positive or negative development?
利弊讨论提问标志:Do you think it is positive or negative development?
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场:
尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由
Such is nature to own what our hearts desire that is why many modern people like to spend their hardly earned money on their favorite goods. The contrivance of the Internet has profoundly revolutionized modern people’s option of consumption in many aspects. People have been debating the pros of cons of on-line shopping without reaching any definite agreement. Personally speaking, the merits of shopping on line prevail over its possible demerits.
Seen from the positive aspects, many benefits could be gained by selecting and buying our favorites on line. The most glaring merit is that on-line shopping not only surmounts the geographical barrier,economizes great amounts of time, but also improves the flexibility of consumption. In this sense, those who select on-line shopping have more time to embark on more worthwhile things such as focusing on working or building up physique. Another advantage coming from on-line consumption is that it adds spice to our ll routine of daily life. A case in point is that a lot of fashionable ladies take pleasure in browsing various on-line shops, comparing different prices and bargaining with the owners of on-line shops. They usually end up buying their desirable goods. Last,on-line shopping will exert a beneficial influence on one’s financial budget e to the fact that on-line shops, in most cases, do not need to rent spacious places or employing many salesgirls, therefore, the price of on-line merchandise is, comparatively speaking, economical and reasonable, which indicates that we can buy more desirable goods even though we are hard-pressed for money.

⑤ 雅思写作:网络取代面对面交流是好还是坏

4月21日雅思大作文真题 | 网络取代面对面交流是好还是坏?

People today can shop, work and communicate with others via the Internet. They don't need to do these face to face. Is it a positive or negative development?

We live in an age of electronic communication, and the Internet does help us in a lot of ways. Yet the fact thatwe have computers and smartphones readilyavailabledoes not mean that we do not need face-to-face communication any more.
(2)electronic 电子的
(3)the fact that… ……这个事实(that后面引导的从句与fact是同位语关系)
(4)readily 方便地
(5)available 可以获得的;可以使用的
Electronic technology has dramatically changed the ways we shop, work and communicate and has brought about a myriad ofbenefits. From emails to instant messaging to Skype to social media, the Internet has made our communication faster and easier than ever before. Besides, the cost of the Internet communication is significantly lower than the traditional means of communication like face-to-face meetings. The technology connects us to our online suppliers, colleagues in the workplace, families and friends from all over the globe for just a small fraction ofthe cost required of an offline meeting.
(2)dramatically 极大地
(3)a myriad of 众多的(可用来替换a lot of, many等词)
(4)significantly 显著地
(5)supplier 供应商
(6)a small fraction of 一小部分
That being said, scientific evidence is mounting thatthe

⑥ 雅思作文题目是科技对生活的影响,但时间来不及全文只写了互联网,是否跑题会怎样扣分谢谢帮助。


⑦ 谁有2019年2月14日雅思大作文真题参考范文求解

New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
本题中有三个关键词,即new technologies,children,spend their free time,要求讨论“新技术改变了孩子们玩耍的方式,这是好还是坏?”在构思本题的时候,我们首先需要说清楚的是:哪些新技术?怎么样改变了孩子们玩耍的方式?然后讨论这种改变是好还是坏。当然,我们也要提醒自己,本题的重点是讨论“这种改变是好还是坏?”
The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.In the past,most children wouldengage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a few.Those who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children’s stories,and comic books.The situation is quite different now.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.In my view,this new development has more downside risks.
(4)engage in从事
(5)to name only a few仅举几个例子;诸如此类;等等
(6)the great majority of...绝大多数的......
(7)browse around四处闲看
(8)downside risks不利的风险
Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.The violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing them.The cost is really high.The children’s performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also suffers.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.
(2)be addicted to...沉迷于......
(3)appeal to...吸引
(5)be responsible for...为......负责;导致......
Worse still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children’s isolation from the actual world.In the traditional games,children could learn the skills to work with others,lead a team,and create new things.All these skills are helpful for children to maintain their interpersonal relations when they grow up.But children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.
(2)result in...导致
(4)interpersonal relations人际关系
To conclude,new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time from outdoor activities to passive indoor Internet surfing.This may be beneficial to a certain extent,but generally it isa change for the worse.
(3)to a certain extent在某种程度上
(4)a change for the worse一个糟糕的变化
The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.In the past,most children would engage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a few.Those who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children’s stories,and comic books.The situation is quite different now.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.In my view,this new development has more downside risks.
Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.The violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing them.The cost is really high.The children’s performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also suffers.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.
Worse still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children’s isolation from the actual world.In the traditional games,children could learn the skills to work with others,lead a team,and create new things.All these skills are helpful for children to maintain their interpersonal relations when they grow up.But children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.
To conclude,new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time from outdoor activities to passive indoor Internet surfing.This may be beneficial to a certain extent,but generally it is a change for the worse.
(322 words)
1.The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.
2.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.
3.Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.
4.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.
5.Children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.

⑧ 雅思大作文网络教育可以取代在校教育吗


⑨ 网络发展对商业发展的影响。雅思作文
